Saturday, January 07, 2006

Racing on the California Speedway.

How fast? Don't know, there's no speedometer and they don't clock you. They say you can go about 140 mph in these cars. It felt like it.
How long? I'm not sure but I think it was 12 laps total. We were on the track about 20 minutes. It certainly wasn't long enough. I could have easily gone another 30 minutes.
How much fun? More then I could ever express. Its like everything a Nascar fan can imagine and then more. I really drove a race car, well over 120 miles per hour, on a super speedway!
I was in complete control of the car with only the race coordinator giving me directions in my ear over a radio.
I was 1 of 7 cars in this session. I was started at the back of the field and I think I finished first. I know I passed a lot of cars and I never was passed. They don't really keep track of who finishes where.
Kids, this was the best gift I've ever received since God and your mother gave me you.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Wow!! You look like a professional race car driver! I love the picture of you sitting in the window of the car. I am so glad you enjoyed that gift! I wish Lisa and I could have been there to cheer for you. I'm sure you will have a whole new outlook and respect for these drivers when you see your next race. Love you!